Physicists and Speech

The language of man is commerce. In any random public place, chaos and commerce dominate conversation. In the physics building, EPS, this is not an accurate observation.
Instead of talking about dudes and how much was spent for lunch, the shape of the universe is debated and discussed at length. The colors of the stars. The beauty of falling objects. The serenity of derived equations that read like poetic images of the world…
Perhaps physics is where science and poetry and understanding and imagery can meet and intertwine. For there is ultimate beauty in understanding the physical, in observing and recording, in plotting the movements and documenting the traits of not only the heavens, but the earth in herself.
“All things are star stuff,” and while Shakespeare sees the art in the ordinary actions of people, physics sees the art in not only the large, but also the very small. Particles too tiny to ever be visually observed obey the same laws of motion as Jupiter, the Sun… The unity of high and low that Shakespeare achieves in theatre and poetry is the same seen in physics in the realm of science.
Perhaps in another life, Shakespeare would have been Sagan.

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